kostenlose Counter | Heizkosten sparen: Wärmebilder Ihres Hauses
  Freitag, 9. Juni 2023: 21h Salsa mit DJ Alan im FRANZ in der Franzstr. 74, 52062 Aachen  

  Top-DJ mit eigener Anlage für Ihre Veranstaltung (Hochzeiten, Geburtstage, Betriebsfeste...) - Musik nach Wunsch im Raum Köln Aachen M.gladbach: 0163-888 7445  
  INHALTSVERZEICHNIS / SITE MAP     Party-Kalender     NEUES     Tanzpartnerbörse    Tanzkurse   Bannerwerbung   Kontakt  
  Adressen: Clubs Österreich     Clubliste Deutschland    worldwide    Photos: Galerie     Tanzkleider + Tanzschuhe   Salsakongresse + -boote  
    Salsa-Parties, Workshops, Kongresse: Salsa-Kalender DEUTSCHLAND & Salsa-Kalender ÖSTERREICH
Parties, die nicht mehr stattfinden (und nicht ggfs. als Archivbilder gekennzeichnet sind) bitte an: salsa (at) gmx.at - Danke :-)
  Due to the current situation, many of the Salsa-Parties listed on this web site don´t exist anymore. For further details please inquire with the organizer  
  "Archivbilder: Viele der hier noch gelisteten Salsa Parties haben CoVid nicht überlebt. Erkundigt Euch beim jeweiligen Veranstalter.  

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Salsa en Alemania y Austria: version Española Español
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Salsa in Germany and Austria: Russian language homepage/ Ha Pycck. russian version
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  Best (Eindhoven, NL), every 1st Sunday: SALSABREEZE at Beachclub Sunrise click for details here: www.salsabreeze.nl  
  table of contents / site map     Salsa-Calendar     NEW PICTURES     SALSA-TICKETS     Dance partners    Salsa schools   advertising on this site
  Salsa in Austria     Salsa in Germany    Salsa worldwide    pictures: Photo-gallery     clothes + shoes   Salsa congresses     Forum     mail us  
Chrissies Salsa-Pages: Salsa von Graz bis Hamburg - Salsa-Clubs (salsatecas / salsotecas) und 
Salsa-Parties in Deutschland, Österreich und Nachbarländern: salsa.at & salsatecas.de
Salsa colorline (c) salsa.at
You want to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata or other Latin dances in Europe or just want to see what´s on there ?  
Drop in on an extensive directory of salsa and latin dance clubs in Germany, Austria and
some other countries worldwide: hundreds of addresses and thousands of pictures

Salsa  in Aachen (click here to see more pictures of that location or reload to see another picture) W: 300 P No.: 313 ; VAR: 2
 Addresses   Salsa - Chrissies Salsa-Pages: Salsa dancing in Austria, Germany and worldwide. 
 Drop in on an extensive directory of salsa and latin dance clubs in Germany, Austria and a few other European countries. 
 More than 500 pages with addresses, thousands of photographies, links to salsa sites and a find-a-partner facility: salsapictures.com Salsa dance, pictures adresses in Germany and Austria: Aachen, Cologne, Vienna, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, Innsbruck, Munich, Graz, Aachen
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Welcome to salsapictures.com ! You're about to discover the Salsa scene of central Europe. At  the bottom navigation bar You´ll find the clubs in alphabetical order of their towns in Germany, Austria and a few other countries (or click here for the club lists of Germany: A to G, H to P and Q to Z, Austria and the worldwide club list). Salsa dancing in Germany: © salsatecas.de

 Photographies: Gallery    
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Do  You want to see the salsa dancing pictures ? Below these lines You find a selection of salsa dancing pictures. More of them, the entire number You can access through the club address lists (A to G, H to P, Q to Z and the Austrian Club list). See the selection of the entire list following; Photos from:  

 Pictures: the Salsa Clubs of Austria    

 Photographies: the Salsa-scene in Germany    

 Photographies: Clubs in other countries    
Arnhem (NL): Ziko´s | Antwerpen (B): Axxes | Beek (NL): Disco Mondial | Berlicum (NL): De Witte Zwaan | Brussels: miscellaneous | Eindhoven (NL): Salsa de la Rosa | Best (Eindhoven): Salsa Breeze | Eupen (B): Landhaus | Eynatten (B): QUINTA | Genk (B): Ritmo Latino | Gent (B): Noche de la Pasión | Hasselt (B): Ritmo | Heerlen (NL): Peppermill | Mundial | Tulip Inn | Luxemburg: Brasserie De l´Arret | Stars Bar Maastricht (NL): Cafe Cliniq | D'n Hiemel | Fun Valley | Kadans | Platte Zaol | StayOkay | Roermond (NL): Sunset Lounge | Vlonder | Sippenaeken (B): Kaffee Lambert | Weert (NL): Cafe Beatrix | Simpelveld (NL): Salsa at Partycentrum Jos Frijns | Tilburg (NL): Festival Mundial | Wasserbillig (LUX): Dance by Niko Zandvoort (NL): Mangos Beach Bar | Remich (LUX): Salsaboot Luxemburg | Switzerland: Basel (CH): Comedy | St. Gallen (CH): AHA | Habana | Wingling | Kiev (UA): Caribean Club | Madrid (E): Empire | Salsa in ISRAEL: Salsa in Haifa (Diamond Club) | Jerusalem (Pierre 28) | Tel Aviv (Havana) | Sofia, Bulgaria: Playground paradise | Moskow, Russia: Karma Bar | Prague (CZ): Salsa-Festival | Riga (LV): La Salsa | St. Petersburg (RUS): 8.th Salsa-Kongress (2008) | Bar Triumph | Sofia, Bulgaria: Playground paradise | Cuba: Santiago de Cuba | Dominican Republic, Salsa in a cave: Imagen | La Palma (E): Los Cancajos | Malaga (E): Picaro | Tenerife (E): Cubanisimos | Valladolid (E): Valladolid, Spain: Dame de Cuba | Quito, Ecuador: Mayo 68 | Udine (I): Piazza primo Maggio | Warshaw (PL): Enklawa | Zürich: Salsafestival 2007 | Salsa: Sudada in Tokio and Salsa Sol, Osaka   This is just a small selection. For the entire list of Salsa dance locations and photographies see the world wide Club list: Argentina | Australia | Austria - Österreich | Belgium - Belgique | Bolivia - Bolivien | Brazil - Brasilien | Bulgaria - Bulgarien | Canada | Chile | Cuba | Czech Republic | Denmark | Finland - Suomi | France | Germany - Deutschland | Greece | Hungary - Magyaroszag | Ireland - Eire | Israel | Italy - Italia | Japan | Korea | Netherlands - Nederland | Norway - Norge | Poland - Polska | Portugal | Romania | Perú | Russia | Slovakia | South Africa - Zuid Afrika | Spain - España | Sweden - Sverige | Switzerland - Suisse | Thailand | Turkey - Tuerkei | Ukraine | United Kingdom - Britain | USA - United States and more . Salsa dancing in Germany: © salsatecas.de / salsapictures.com / salsa.at


Adresses + dates: Club lists Germany,
Towns:   A - C | D - G | H - K | L - P | Q-Z  
List: Salsa-Teachers and schools
The Salsa discos of Germany: PICTURES !
Gallery: die Salsa-DJ´s of Germany

Looking for a dance partner for Your next trip to Austria ? Just click here: salsa dance partner forum in Germany | www discussion board: salsa-forum   | Events in Germany and additional not yet listed clubs


Adressen + Termine: club list Austria
Salsa-Clubs sorted by days of the week
The Salsa scene of Austria: PHOTOS !
List: Salsa-Teachers and schools
Gallery: the Salsa-DJ´s of Austria
take a look into the server housing of salsa.at

Looking for a dance partner for Your next trip to Austria ? Just click here: dance partners and events in Austria


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Salsa colorline (c) salsa.at
No part of these pages (e.g. photographies, texts) may be used, reproduced, copied, modified or stored on webservers without prior consent.
You agree to indemnify and hold salsa.at & salsatecas.de and partners harmless from any claim or demand.   -> Disclaimer
Times and places scheduled may change. No information obtained by this service shall create any warranty.
Design/copyright by salsapictures.com / salsa.at, Austria & salsatecas.de, Germany. All Rights Reserved.
Impressum & Datenschutzerklärung | Diese Seite: www.salsa.at/salsa/start-e.htm

SOS Kinderdorf gibt weltweit Kindern ein Zuhause
  Salsa-Calendar     NEW PICTURES     Dance partners    Salsa schools   advertising on this site   mail us   Chrissies Salsa-Pages: Salsa von Graz bis Hamburg - Salsa-Clubs (salsatecas / salsotecas) und 
Salsa-Parties in Deutschland, Österreich und Nachbarländern: salsa.at & salsatecas.de
  Salsa in Austria     Salsa in Germany    Salsa worldwide    pictures: Photo-gallery     Salsa congresses     Forum  

Partnerseiten sowie weitere Online-Angebote auf diesen Servern:   Bachata | Salsa: salsa.at | Salsa-Kalender | Salsa Clubs: dancing pictures of Austria, Germany and worldwide | Salsa Hamburg | Salsa München |   - Weitere: Radio 101 | Thermography: Thermal images / Thermographie: Gebäudethermografie, Wärmekameras | Thermographie: Wärmebilder Ihres Hauses | salsa Österreich: Wien Innsbruck.. | Chrissies Salsa Pages | salsa | Webcam Aachen Pontstrasse | Fotografie, Bilder | kostenloser Zähler - free counter Thermografie Aachen | Thermografie Düsseldorf | Thermografie Duisburg | Thermografie Dortmund | Thermografie Essen | Köln Wärmebilder |

salsa latin dance pictures salsa clubbing salsa latin dance pictures salsa clubbing