kostenlose Counter | Heizkosten sparen: Wärmebilder Ihres Hauses
  Freitag, 9. Juni 2023: 21h Salsa mit DJ Alan im FRANZ in der Franzstr. 74, 52062 Aachen  

  Top-DJ mit eigener Anlage für Ihre Veranstaltung (Hochzeiten, Geburtstage, Betriebsfeste...) - Musik nach Wunsch im Raum Köln Aachen M.gladbach: 0163-888 7445  
  INHALTSVERZEICHNIS / SITE MAP     Party-Kalender     NEUES     Tanzpartnerbörse    Tanzkurse   Bannerwerbung   Kontakt  
  Adressen: Clubs Österreich     Clubliste Deutschland    worldwide    Photos: Galerie     Tanzkleider + Tanzschuhe   Salsakongresse + -boote  
    Salsa-Parties, Workshops, Kongresse: Salsa-Kalender DEUTSCHLAND & Salsa-Kalender ÖSTERREICH
Parties, die nicht mehr stattfinden (und nicht ggfs. als Archivbilder gekennzeichnet sind) bitte an: salsa (at) gmx.at - Danke :-)
  Due to the current situation, many of the Salsa-Parties listed on this web site don´t exist anymore. For further details please inquire with the organizer  
  "Archivbilder: Viele der hier noch gelisteten Salsa Parties haben CoVid nicht überlebt. Erkundigt Euch beim jeweiligen Veranstalter.  


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You want to dance Salsa, Merengue, Bachata or other Latin dances in Europe or just want to see what´s on there ?  
Drop in on an extensive directory of salsa and latin dance clubs in Germany, Austria and
some other countries worldwide: addresses and more than 1000 pictures

Editorial             [-> RETURN TO THE MAIN PAGE ]

In  case  you ended up here by accident: No, Salsa and Merengue aren't only some hot Mexican dressups. Salsa and Merengue are some HOT Latin American dances.
Since I started dancing Salsa, I got around dancing in different places and countries. This is why I made this list of Geman and Austrian Salsa clubs.
(in the beginning the name of this page was: "Salsa in Aachen, Cologne, Duesseldorf and Munich" - but however that changed a bit in the meantime :-).
The list is completed more and more (thanks to your help!). All information is given without guarantee, of course: ring them before, best - and then drop us a line on the MESSAGE BOARD if something has changed. Everybody can read it there immediately and I might pick it up there and add it to the Salsa-page later on. (in order to list the suggested salsa-club on the salsa-page be detailed as possible. The essential fields are required: name of the club, exact address (city, Street, house number), phone, days/times when there´s salsa, admission fees and whatever else You want to have published).

Even the Salsatecas not any longer existing are marked, to show that they DON´T exist anymore, because they still might be listed on some other pages somewhere else.

Special thanks for much information to:

(München, Traunstein)
(Kassel, Göttingen, Hannover)
(Chemnitz, Mönchengladbach)

More and more Clubs and pictures will be added to this list. Add this page to your bookmarks (by pressing CTRL + D) so you can come back and visit again and see what I've been adding.

Do You have a Salsa Website ? If You link to http://salsa.at just tell us and we list you with a backlink in our directory.

Es wurde zu diesem Zweck auch schon mal nach Bannern gefragt: Banner für Links findest Du HIER: ban1.jpg (468 x 60),   HIER: ban2.jpg (468 x 60)   und HIER: ban3.jpg (156 x 30);   ein reiner Textlink (ohne Banner) ist jedoch auch vollkommen OK (zumal wir selber, um die Ladezeit nicht zu verlängern keine Banner- sondern nur Textlinks setzen können).

technical note: If THIS server one day might be offline for a while, or - depending where You are - one of the following servers might give you faster access to these salsa-pages - try: (Bookmark ?)

http://salsa.at (Austria)
http://salsatecas.de (Germany)

Server statistics
Every day about 400 visitors create 1000 to 1500 page impressions per day, more than 30000 per month. Do You want to know more about, how many people visit Chrissies Salsa-Pages every Day, frome where they come, peak times and days, which links they have followed,...




GERMANY: [-> Salsaclubs in Germany, towns: A-G | H-P | Q-Z |  
Salsa dance locatons: classified by weekdays
AUSTRIA: Salsa locations in Austria ]  
WORLDWIDE: Salsa dance locations all over the world ]  
[-> Kontakt / mail]   [-> Shop: Books and compact discs ]  
[-> Message Board ]   [-> Advertisements, Promotion ]  

Copyright (c) 1998/2001 by Chris / salsa.at - Webhosting: radio101.de, Aachen (Germany)   &   viennaweb.at, Vienna (Austria)

Impressum & Datenschutzerklärung | Diese Seite: www.salsa.at/salsa/edit-e.htm

SOS Kinderdorf gibt weltweit Kindern ein Zuhause
  Salsa-Calendar     NEW PICTURES     Dance partners    Salsa schools   advertising on this site   mail us   Chrissies Salsa-Pages: Salsa von Graz bis Hamburg - Salsa-Clubs (salsatecas / salsotecas) und 
Salsa-Parties in Deutschland, Österreich und Nachbarländern: salsa.at & salsatecas.de
  Salsa in Austria     Salsa in Germany    Salsa worldwide    pictures: Photo-gallery     Salsa congresses     Forum  

Partnerseiten sowie weitere Online-Angebote auf diesen Servern:   Bachata | Salsa: salsa.at | Salsa-Kalender | Salsa Clubs: dancing pictures of Austria, Germany and worldwide | Salsa Hamburg | Salsa München |   - Weitere: Radio 101 | Thermography: Thermal images / Thermographie: Gebäudethermografie, Wärmekameras | Thermographie: Wärmebilder Ihres Hauses | salsa Österreich: Wien Innsbruck.. | Chrissies Salsa Pages | salsa | Webcam Aachen Pontstrasse | Fotografie, Bilder | kostenloser Zähler - free counter Thermografie Aachen | Thermografie Düsseldorf | Thermografie Duisburg | Thermografie Dortmund | Thermografie Essen | Köln Wärmebilder |

Design/copyright 1998-2001 by Chris. All Rights Reserved.

Links - if this server is offline: this stuff You will totally or partially find on these mirror sites / similar sites: Pictures of Salsa dance Clubs / weitere Bilder und Adressen von Salsa-Clubs unter: www.radio101.de/salsa: Chrissies Salsa Pages bzw. www.salsatecas.de: Chrissies Salsa Pages bzw. www.radio101.de/tanzen: dancing pictures, salsa1.de: Salsa in Germany salsapictures.com: Salsa Clubs in Austria, Germany and worldwide and salsa.at: Chrissies Salsa-Site   ( = www.salsa.at: Chrissies Salsa-Site, all these pages should be available with and without "www.")