kostenlose Counter | Heizkosten sparen: Wärmebilder Ihres Hauses
  Freitag, 9. Juni 2023: 21h Salsa mit DJ Alan im FRANZ in der Franzstr. 74, 52062 Aachen  

  Top-DJ mit eigener Anlage für Ihre Veranstaltung (Hochzeiten, Geburtstage, Betriebsfeste...) - Musik nach Wunsch im Raum Köln Aachen M.gladbach: 0163-888 7445  
  INHALTSVERZEICHNIS / SITE MAP     Party-Kalender     NEUES     Tanzpartnerbörse    Tanzkurse   Bannerwerbung   Kontakt  
  Adressen: Clubs Österreich     Clubliste Deutschland    worldwide    Photos: Galerie     Tanzkleider + Tanzschuhe   Salsakongresse + -boote  
    Salsa-Parties, Workshops, Kongresse: Salsa-Kalender DEUTSCHLAND & Salsa-Kalender ÖSTERREICH
Parties, die nicht mehr stattfinden (und nicht ggfs. als Archivbilder gekennzeichnet sind) bitte an: salsa (at) gmx.at - Danke :-)
  Due to the current situation, many of the Salsa-Parties listed on this web site don´t exist anymore. For further details please inquire with the organizer  
  "Archivbilder: Viele der hier noch gelisteten Salsa Parties haben CoVid nicht überlebt. Erkundigt Euch beim jeweiligen Veranstalter.  

Chrissies Salsa homepage: Salsa Clubs in Germany, Austria and worldwide
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Salsa & Merengue: some Links

salsa dance

S a l s a   -   L i n k s :
Chrissies Tip: MUCH MORE SALSA LINKS: http://www.salsabananas.dk/salsa.links.htm
United States:
  University of Ilinois: Henrys Dance Hotlist Henrys (large!) Dance Hotlist   description  
  mambounites.com: Salsa Festival, takes place from August 22nd 26th mambo unites festival (Chicago)   Salsa in Los Angeles, CA Salsa in Los Angeles, CA
  description   salsaroots.com The history of salsa: comprehensive presentation of dance styles from Cuba, Puerto Rico and U.S.A.   description  
-> More links to U.S.- Web sites / North American Salsa Clubs you find HERE
United Kingdom:
  www.salsabeat.freeserve.co.uk salsabeat uk: Salsa in London etc.   Salsa in U.K. and worldwide latinnet.co.uk: Salsa in UK and worldwide
-> More links to U.K. / British sites & clubs you find HERE
"United Germany": ;o)
  salsa.de salsa.de   latin.de latin.de
  www.salsaholic.de Klaus Reiter (Aachen): the Salsaholic   latin-dance.de latin-dance.de, Peter Baumanns club list
  www.hexa-net.com/salsa Jördis & Henry Guzmán (Cologne)   Sals@lemania - SALSA ONLINE! "Sals@lemania" - SALSA ONLINE!
  message board salsa.at, salsatecas.de: message board  
Austria:     Salsa Clubs in Austria salsa.at
Salsa Artists, Singers, Music, Compact discs,...
  Grupo Niche Grupo Niche   Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan (2)
  Salsa: Books Salsa, artists, Latin America: Books   Thalia Thalia (1)

other links:
  radio101.de/tango: Tango in Aachen-Köln-Maastricht-Duesseldorf Franks Tango-Homepage   www.radio101.de: RADIO 101 international the Radio 101 - Homepage
  Chrissies Homepage: radio101.de/chris Chrissies Homepage   Girls Guide to Geeks Girls Guide to Geeks
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Adresses + dates: Club lists Germany,
Towns:   A-G   |   H-P   |   Q-Z  
Salsa Clubs sorted by weekdays
The Salsa discos of Germany: PICTURES !
Gallery: die Salsa-DJ´s of Germany

Looking for a dance partner for Your next trip to Austria ? Just click here: salsa dance partner forum in Germany | www discussion board: salsa-forum   | Events in Germany and additional not yet listed clubs


Adressen + Termine: club list Austria
Salsa-Clubs sortiert nach days of the week
The Salsa scene of Austria: PHOTOS !
Gallery: the Salsa-DJ´s of Austria
take a look into the server housing of salsa.at

Looking for a dance partner for Your next trip to Austria ? Just click here: dance partners and events in Austria


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Salsaclubs in: [ AUSTRIA ]
  THE SALSA CLUBS OF GERMANY: (by order of the first letter of the town)
Towns in Germany (alphabetical):  
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Links - if this server is offline: this stuff You will totally or partially find on these mirror sites / similar sites: Pictures of Salsa dance Clubs / weitere Bilder und Adressen von Salsa-Clubs unter: www.radio101.de/salsa: Chrissies Salsa Pages bzw. www.salsatecas.de: Chrissies Salsa Pages bzw. www.radio101.de/tanzen: dancing pictures, salsa1.de: Salsa in Germany salsapictures.com: Salsa Clubs in Austria, Germany and worldwide and salsa.at: Chrissies Salsa-Site   ( = www.salsa.at: Chrissies Salsa-Site, all these pages should be available with and without "www.")